La Salle Academy and Bishop Hendricken High School played their Super Bowl game earlier in the month. In the past decade, these two teams have faced off against each other in the final round eight times.
In the pre-COVID era, these two would have seen one another once during the regular season. However, their game that was scheduled was called off due to COVID concerns, making this championship their first and only game this season.
Although this wasn't the ending La Salle would have hoped to endure, they came up close to their undefeated rival, falling 43-22.
La Salle's starting quarterback, Dean Varrecchione, is a rising junior and made his first start of the season in the Super Bowl game facing his former school.
"Going into it I was nervous, it was my former team," Varrecchione said. "But once the first play happened all my nerves went away."
Varrecchione split time this season with a senior quarterback, but when it came down to their grande finale it was the talented sophomore who became the star of the show. In his single start, he had 291 passing yards and three touchdowns. His bold performance and "leave it all on the field" mentality is sure to reflect in his performance in the following season, which is currently scheduled for the fall of this year.
"We have a season coming up in the fall, its a quick turnaround. We start practice in like two months," Varrecchione said.
With this upcoming fall season and becoming a junior, college is a term that will be whispered in Varrecchione's ear left and right. At the moment, he is unsure if any schools have their eyes on him yet, but with a performance like no other this season, and surely more to come, there is no doubt that this young athlete will receive a handful of opportunities.
"I just want to play college ball, it doesn't really matter," Varrecchione said. "Whoever is going to give me the best opportunity for my life is the one I am going to take."
Varrecchione's outlook on La Salle's next season is hopeful. Most of this years roster consisted of sophomores and juniors, only meaning that next season they will be returning with most of the same talent at an improved level.
Fans Only Sportz looks forward to covering football next season in the fall and wishes all the seniors graduating the best of luck in their future endeavors!
Dean Varrecchione:
- Instagram: @Dean_Varrecchione12